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Liberty Quilting

Liberty Quilting Stof - PEACH BLOOM 04775626Y

Liberty Quilting Stof - PEACH BLOOM 04775626Y

150,00 kr/m
Inkl. moms

Stof til quilting og patchwork.

Kvalitet: 100% bomuld
Lasenby Quilting Cotton hvilket er en meget lækker ren bomuldskvalitet. 
NB: denne kvalitet er ikke samme som Tana Lawn 
Kvaliteten er mere kraftig idet alla en almindelig bomuld hvilket gør den mere egnet til patchwork projekter. Du kan sagtens bruge kvaliteten bredt men husk at bestille noget mere da stoffet bredde er 110 cm.

Rullebredde: 110 cm

Prisen er for en meter.

Minimum salg er 25cm

Antal (cm)

Minimum antal for denne vare er 25.

Du køber stoffet i centimeter:

Hvis du bestiller: 

25 = køber du 25 centimeter
50 = køber du 50 centimeter / en halv meter
100 = køber du 100 centimeter / en meter 
114= køber du 114 centimeter / en meter og 14 centimeter 
200 = køber du 200 centimeter / 2 meter 

Salget af quilting stoffet er minimum 25 centimeter.


The Orchard Garden

The orchard garden collection takes inspiration from the royal gardens of England. 
The journey starts by walking through the tall ornately gilded iron gates, drifting into the impressive floral gardens 
filled with an array of fruit laden trees and sumptuous path lined orchards. 
Wandering through the rows of preened trees with singing wildlife hidden within the emerald green leaves and primula blossom flora. 
We gathered various artworks from our extensive archive to produce this journey through the gardens. 
Various different painting mediums and techniques were used including gouache and fineliner drawings. 

The colour stories were a direct inspiration from the warm summer days and brisk autumn evenings. 

With deep berry shades, and soft pumpkin hues which sit perfectly against the deep emerald foliage. 
The blues within the palette are inspired by the bright blue skies, and lakes found nestled into the gardens centre. 

The base quality ‘Lasenby’ Cotton is 100% cotton specifically woven with sewers in mind. 

110 cm wide. 
04775626Y Koral, blå & grøn


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